
You can now navigate the extensive Arvind Lexicon treasure of English and Hindi expressions with the click of your mouse!

To access the Arvind Lexicon database, click on

You will see the default page of the Arvind Lexicon database. The default word in the search bar is success.

In the Arvind lexicon database, you can search for words in English, Hindi or Roman transliterated Hindi.

Let us explore the database for the word beautiful.

To explore from English, type in the search bar beautiful in English. Click Search button.

To explore from Hindi, type सुंदर in Hindi. Click Search.

To explore from Roman Hindi, type sundara in Hindi (Roman). Click Search.




You will see four columns… Headings, Entries, Rapid Dictionary and Synonyms

The Headings column

The Headings column gives the heading or word group under which the searched word falls. beautiful falls under the overall word group beauty. This word group comes after body beautiful and precedes the word group ugliness.

Note: All concepts in mankind’s knowledge and conscious have been divided into 1100 headings or word groups and strung together into a unique thematic structure created by Arvind Kumar. This thematic structure is based on an intuitive and associative approach. Headings follow each other just as a user's mind relates one thing to another by association or juxtaposition.

For example, the heading universe is followed by sky, astral body... solar system… sun, moon, orbit, earth's rotation, earth... metabolism is followed by hunger and thirst, nutrition, diet...

The Entries column

Each heading or word group is further subdivided into subheadings or entries. These entries are essentially ideas/notions that tie in together in our mind.

For example, the entries for the word group beauty include beauty, beautiful man, beautiful men(), beautiful woman, beautiful women (), beauty contest, vital statistics of beauty, beauty queen, body proportion, beautify, beautiful, sweet person, savorous person, shapely, and beautifully.

This column is particularly useful. Even if the thought the user started with is beautiful, this column gives an opportunity to define the thought better after seeing the various related notions and can help the user refine his search.

The Rapid Dictionary column

The Rapid Dictionary column gives the various contexts in which the searched word can be used. For example, the word beautiful (highlighted in maroon) can be used in 27 contexts ranging from abloom to beautiful bodied, aesthetic, lovable, sexy and so on – of course, in addition to the root word beautiful (highlighted in red).

This column further helps the user define his thought and refine his selection even further.

For every context in which the word can be used, the column gives the Hindi equivalent in Devnagari and Roman transliterated scripts.

For example, for the root word beautiful: Beautiful – सुंदर - sundara

The Synonyms column

For the selected context in which the user wants to use the word, the Synonyms column provides several words/expressions which are synonymous to the word. For example, for the root word beautiful, there are approximately 150 synonyms in English and more than 300 in Hindi. Clicking on any of the synonyms takes you to the word where it independently occurs in the database.

The unique feature of Arvind Lexicon database is that it provides cross-references to similar concepts and opposite concepts for further clarification. No other thematic thesaurus has this cross-referencing feature. Click on any similar or opposite concept to further understand nuances and variants of the word that is being searched.

Definitions and sample phrases are also included for some words.

All these appear in English, Hindi and roman Hindi one after the other. The order in which these languages appear can be defined by the Set Languages button.


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